Three women in prom dresses in bathroom, one smoking

The New York Times: What to See in N.Y.C. Galleries in August

Many thanks to legendary art critic Holland Cotter for his lovely review in The New York Times on JUST BETWEEN US: From the Archives of Arlan Huang. 
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A selection of pieces from the JUST BETWEEN US art exhibition

ARTnews: An Asian Imports Store, Not a Museum, Is the Site of the Summer’s Most Surprising Art Show

Thanks so much to ARTnews for covering JUST BETWEEN US. 
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Pieces from art exhibition JUST BETWEEN US in Pearl River Mart SoHo gallery

Testudo: Between a Storefront and a Mini-Mall, Two Visions of Asian American Art

Thanks to Testudo and art worker and writer Zach Ngin for their thoughtful piece on recent AAPI art in New York, including our current exhibition, JUST BETWEEN US
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Arlan Huang in studio at WNYC with microphone in foreground

WNYC's All of It with Alison Stewart: The Archives of Asian American Artist and Collector Arlan Huang

Arlan Huang and Danielle Wu, artist and curator behind our current art exhibition, absolutely killed it in this interview with Alison Stewart, host of WNYC's "All of It."
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Artist Arlan Huang in front of pieces from his collection in the Pearl River Mart gallery

South China Morning Post: 50 years of Asian-American art, community and protest celebrated in archive exhibition by New York artist and activist Arlan Huang

Thanks so much to the South China Morning Post and reporter Richard James Havis for the wonderful piece about artist Arlan Huang and his exhibition at Pearl River.
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Three young women in bathroom

Documented NY: Where to Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month Events in New York

Thanks so much to Documented NY for including "Just Between Us" in their roundup of how to celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month in NYC.
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Artist Warren King with his cardboard sculptures of arguing ladies in Pearl River Mart's art gallery

Tribeca Citizen: Art in Tribeca: Warren King at Pearl River Mart

Thanks as always to the Tribeca Citizen for shouting us out! In this case Warren King's exhibition, OUR ROOTS RUN DEEP.
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Group of mourners in Chinatown with sign, Corky We Love U

Documented NY: Corky Lee Remains on Chinatown’s Mind

Thanks to Documented NY for this wonderful write-up about Corky Lee and our exhibition. 
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Black and white portrait of photographer Corky Lee in 1973

The Village Sun: Corky Lee tribute show brings spirit of legendary lensman into focus

Dear friend and participating artist Lincoln Anderson shines a light at The Villager on the CORKY LEE ON MY MIND exhibition.
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Still from World Journal's video on CORKY LEE ON MY MIND with actor Perry Yung holding tibetan singing bowl and marching in peace parade

World Journal: Corky Lee on My Mind: A Photographic Tribute at Pearl River Mart

Thanks to the World Journal for featuring CORKY LEE ON MY MIND.
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Artist Jerry Ma speaks with NY1 reporter Roger Clark in Pearl River's art gallery

Jerry Ma Talks to NY1 About 'A Chinatown Odyssey'

Veteran reporter Roger Clark of NY1 spoke to artist-in-residence, Jerry Ma, about his Pearl River art exhibition.
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Pearl River Mart art exhibition curator and cartoonist Amy Huang with Bob Mankoff, former cartoon editor at The New Yorker

Bob Mankoff's Cartoon Collections: Amy Hwang on How 'Asian Babies' Came About

At the website of longtime and legendary former New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff, the "Asian Babies" co-curator and cartoonist discusses how she and Jeremy Nguyen put together the show and about the history of Asian cartoonists in The New Yorker.

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