Corky Lee on My Mind: Jook Leung

Jook Leung's photos

American Legion September 11th Remembrance Service at Kimlau Square (2016, Chinatown, NYC)

Corky Lee at Golden Spike (2014, Promontory Summit, UT)

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On the 145th anniversary of the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad, Corky reenacted Andrew J. Russell iconic image, commonly known as "The Champagne Photo," with the descendents of Chinese railroad workers, unseen in the history books Corky studied as a child. Corky can be seen on the far right.

"Corky encouraged me to participate in both these events," Leung says, “and document them with my 360 degree views. I knew they were very important to him in defining his Asian American narrative of inclusion for Chinese railroad laborers and war veterans."

"I met Corky in the 1990s through my sister’s activities at the Asian American Journalists Association, then at Overseas Chinese Association conferences, and later at the 21 Pell Street community events. Along the way he introduced me to other Asian American communities. I am grateful for the friendships we were part of."

About the artist

Jook Leung has a passion for crafting spherical 360 degree panoramic images. With an advertising and editorial photography background from New York City, his most compelling images have been wide-view panoramic images of people and places in 360 degree landscapes.

His favorite lens for street photography is most often a variety of fisheye lenses. "It matches my vision and my field of view,” he says. “And allows me to photograph a complete scene within the context of everything around it.” He pre-visualizes the moment and moves to capture all the elements to create his visual 360 narrative. His goal is to invite the viewer into a 360 spherical image to wander, explore and discover a rich visual canvas.


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