50 Hertz founder Yao Zhao with celebrity superfan, Lori Tan Chinn, at a recent tasting at Pearl River Mart Foods

The Guardian: Rebel with a ‘tingly’ cause: Yao Zhao brings piquant peppers to the US

Shout out to Pearl River Mart Foods vendor, 50 Hertz, and founder Yao Zhao for this sizzling profile in The Guardian! From the piece:

Zhao says that 50Hertz is not a chili oil nor a hot sauce manufacturer, but rather a “sensory company”. At a recent New York City tasting held at the downtown Asian emporium Pearl River Mart, the 34-year-old took it upon himself to underscore to each willing taster that Sichuan pepper is tingly as opposed to spicy. Many shoppers left with the product in hand. “Spread the tingle!” was Zhao’s parting cry.

Read the whole article. You can get 50 Hertz's tingling products at Pearl River Mart Foods and our website.

[Image: 50 Hertz founder Yao Zhao with celebrity superfan, Lori Tan Chinn, at a recent tasting at Pearl River Mart Foods]

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