Artist Felicia Liang in front of 100 of her illustrations in the Pearl River Mart gallery in Tribeca

#100DAYSIANS: An Illustrated Exploration of Asian American Identity (Aug. 12–Sept. 23, 2017)

The more than 100 seemingly simple drawings of artist and illustrator Felicia Liang are rife with meaning and significance. She began #100DAYSIANS with the idea of creating one drawing every day for 100 days ― and in the end discovered much more. From haw flakes to fighting over the check to Linsanity and much more, Liang’s illustrations delve into what it means to grow up and live as an Asian in the U.S.

About the artist

Felicia Liang is a New York-based artist and illustrator. She has a B.A. in Economics and Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley, and became a management consultant out of school. She turned to art, a childhood hobby, to decompress and went on to take illustration and design courses at School of Visual Arts and General Assembly. Her works capture memories and share stories about food, her travels, living in New York, and her Asian American heritage. Learn more about Felicia in our interview with her.

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