Illustration of small businesses including Pearl River Mart

Travel & Leisure: The importance of supporting small businesses

Thanks so much to Digital Associate Editor Madeline Diamond and everyone at Travel & Leisure for the lovely trio of pieces mentioning Pearl River:

We love all these stories but "The Small Businesses That Make Us" spoke to us especially. We agree that now more than ever it's important to patronize small and locally owned businesses, not just in your hometown or current neighborhood but on your travels as well. Not only will you be supporting the local community and economy, you'll be experiencing that place through the eyes of those who live there; interacting with denizens; eating, drinking, or bringing home something you can't get anywhere else; and having a truly unique experience.

From Pearl River President Joanne Kwong: "You have people come in, they have a chance to interact with you, to see you as people. And if they bring something home, it stays in their home and it's something they remember for decades."

Thanks again Travel & Leisure!

[Image credit: Emily Lundin]

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